edm아이엘츠 인강 - IELTS 7.0 달성, 교육 1위


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1. 개인정보 수집목적 및 항목 - edm교육그룹(㈜edm에듀케이션 및 ㈜edm글로벌캠퍼스)의 학습상담, 유학상담, 문의응대, 각종 이벤트 등 최신정보 제공 및 홍보성 정보 제공 - 수집 항목 : 이름, 휴대전화번호, 주소

2. 개인정보 보유 및 이용기간 - 이용목적 달성 또는 신청자의 삭제요청 시까지

3. 신청자는 개인정보 수집/이용 동의를 거부하실 수 있습니다. 단, 동의 거부 시 학습상담 및 관련 서비스 이용에 제한이 있을 수 있습니다.


컴퓨터 모의고사는 로그인 시 제공이 가능합니다.
로그인 후 신청해주세요.


개인정보 수집동의 안내

1. 개인정보 수집목적 및 항목 - edm교육그룹(㈜edm에듀케이션 및 ㈜edm어학원)의 학습상담, 유학상담, 문의응대, 각종 이벤트 등 최신정보 제공 및 홍보성 정보 제공 - 수집 항목 : 이름, 휴대전화번호, 주소

2. 개인정보 보유 및 이용기간 - 이용목적 달성 또는 신청자의 삭제요청 시까지

3. 신청자는 개인정보 수집/이용 동의를 거부하실 수 있습니다. 단, 동의 거부 시 학습상담 및 관련 서비스 이용에 제한이 있을 수 있습니다.


Monthly Archives: 7월 2012

Streaming Movie Naachiyaar (2018) Online

By | 7월 31st, 2012|Categories: Creative, Design|Tags: |

Naachiyaar (2018)WatchHD | 2018 | 100 minutes | Drama, Crime, Thriller. 5.2Movie 'Naachiyaar' was released in February 16, 2018 in genre Drama. Bala was directed this movie and starring by Jyothika. This movie tell story about A lady cop takes interest in the case of a pregnant minor girl and her lover. But there’s a twist [...]

Streaming Movie The Farthest (2018) Online

By | 7월 31st, 2012|Categories: Creative, Design|Tags: , , |

THE FARTHESTStarring: Carl Sagan, Lawrence Krauss.Directed: Emer Reynolds.Genre: Drama, Documentary.Release: March 15, 2018Duration: 120 minMovie 'The Farthest' was released in March 15, 2018 in genre Drama. Emer Reynolds was directed this movie and starring by Carl Sagan. This movie tell story about The captivating tales of the people and events behind one of humanity's greatest achievements [...]

Download and Watch Full Movie Mug (2018)

By | 7월 31st, 2012|Categories: Creative, Design, Videos|Tags: , , |

Mug (2018) HDDirector:Małgorzata Szumowska.Release:March 8, 2018Country:Poland.Production Company:Dreamsound (koprodukcja), TVN, DI Factory.Language:Polski.Runtime:91Genre:Drama, Comedy.Movie 'Mug' was released in March 8, 2018 in genre Drama. Małgorzata Szumowska was directed this movie and starring by Mateusz Kościukiewicz. This movie tell story about Jacek loves heavy metal and his dog. He converts the country lanes outside his door into a racing [...]

Watch Full Movie eHero (2018)

By | 7월 31st, 2012|Categories: Creative, Design|

eHero (2018)WatchHD | 2018 | 85 minutes | Drama. 5'eHero' is a movie genre Drama, was released in May 24, 2018. Joseph Procopio was directed this movie and starring by Sean Astin. This movie tell story about An up-and-coming video gamer faces his greatest challenge yet as he and his team must overcome a fiery gaming [...]

Download and Watch Movie Paseo (2018)

By | 7월 31st, 2012|Categories: Creative, Design|

Paseo (2018)WatchHD | 2018 | 14 minutes | Drama. 0Movie 'Paseo' was released in September 6, 2018 in genre Drama. Matthew Hannam was directed this movie and starring by Sarah Gadon. This movie tell story about Tagging along on her boyfriend’s work trip, a young woman rebels against her perceived role. In an attempt to feel [...]

Download and Watch Movie Lolz-ita (2018)

By | 7월 31st, 2012|Categories: Creative, Design|

LOLZ-ITA Starring: Sarah Gadon, Katie Boland, Don McKellar, Travis Milne, James Kall, Jesse Camacho. Directed: Katie Boland. Genre: Drama. Release: August 31, 2018 Duration: 12 min ‘Lolz-ita’ is a movie genre Drama, was released in August 31, 2018. Katie Boland was directed this movie and starring by Sarah Gadon. This movie tell story about A naïve [...]